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DEAF RAVE w/ Troi Lee, Dragon Hoang and Lovro Baletić (CRO)

Hosted by

from 10 EUR

( 75.34 HRK )
Aquarius club Zagreb
Aleja Matije Ljubeka 19, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
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Deaf Padel Zagreb s ponosom najavljuje prvi Deaf rave party u Hrvatskoj poznatog gluhog DJ-a iz UK, osnivača Deaf Ravea, Troi 'DJ Chinaman' Lee, gluhog DJ-a iz Slovačke DJ Dragona i čujućeg DJ-a iz Hrvatske, Lovre Baletića. 

Troi Lee je londonski Gluhi DJ, izvođač i organizator događanja, koji izvodi rave i producira online streamane showcasee u znakovima, plesu, komediji, VV (Visual Vernacular) i drugim vizualnim nastupima napravljenim od strane i za zajednice Gluhih širom svijeta. Troi "DJ Chinaman" Lee započeo je s vizijom da gluhim, nagluhim i invalidnim umjetnicima i izvođačima pruži platformu za pokazivanje svoje ljubavi prema glazbi. Deaf Rave pruža zabavu s glazbom i vizualnim izvedbama sveobuhvatnoj publici, širom svijeta i diljem Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Njihov cilj je ujediniti sve kroz njihovu ljubav i strast prema glazbi, promicanje jedinstvenog identiteta gluhih/osoba s invaliditetom i podučavanje svih o kulturi Gluhih. No, najviše od svega žele glazbu približiti masama! Deaf Rave znači da G/gluhe osobe mogu osjetiti zvuk: u svojim stopalima, u svojim tijelima, u svojim ušima. Oni mogu doživjeti ritam kroz valove vibracija koje oslobađa glazba. U Deaf Raveu mogu zajedno uživati gluhi, nagluhi i čujući ljudi.

DJ Dragon Hoang (pravim imenom Peter Hoang) rođen je u Snini u Slovačkoj. Kad je imao 20 godina, počeo je učiti puštati glazbu kao DJ u mnogim malim klubovima u Slovačkoj. Karijeru je započeo 2005. godine u tinejdžerskim godinama i od samog početka je znao da je glazba nešto što će ga pratiti cijeli život. On je gluhi DJ, za što je rekao da je "čuo mikseve kao DJ, ali svira s ljubavlju i ukusom". Postao je, s pravom, cijenjena osoba na domaćoj elektronskoj glazbenoj sceni nastupima na vrhunskim događanjima u Slovačkoj. Voli sve stilove elektronske glazbe, kao što su Tech-House, Techno, Tribal Techno, Hardgroove, Hardtechno i Schranz. Smatra se jednim od najvećih gluhih imena svjetske techno i hardgroove scene. Ovaj slovački DJ ima nastupe u nekim od najvećih techno klubova u Slovačkoj, Češkoj i Austriji, Ukrajini, Poljskoj, Njemačkoj, Mađarskoj. Glazbenom produkcijom počeo se baviti 2012. Godine 2013. objavio je svoju glazbu pod umjetničkim imenom Dragon Hoang za vlastitu etiketu Techno Deaf Records. Objavio je svoju prvu referencu i danas ima preko 300 pjesama na tržištu. Objavljivao je u Aktivists, Play Techno, Climax Label, New Robot, LW, Heart Tech, Psychodelic, Volcanic, Intuition PT, Rattle i mnogim drugima.

Lovro Baletić hrvatski je DJ/Producent iz Zagreba. Od svoje 12. godine svira bubnjeve, a u tinejdžerskim je godinama svirao u raznim bendovima. Nakon srednje škole preselio se u inozemstvo kako bi studirao audio produkciju na SAE institutu u Amsterdamu. Tada je otkrio svoju ljubav prema elektronskoj glazbi i započeo eksperimentiranje i produciranje pjesama u raznim pod žanrovima. Godine 2019. objavio je svoj prvi eksperimentalni EP pod nazivom "Urban Wilderness", a godinu dana kasnije uslijedio je nu-disco/elektronički EP pod nazivom "Manimals". Njegov repertoar uglavnom se fokusira na Dancefloor Funk i House glazbu. Lovro je dio CYCLE kolektiva uz Jana Kinčla i Matiju Duića, a svirao je u mnogobrojnim dvoranama i klubovima poput Aquariusa, Regular Bara, kluba Dva Osam, Pločnika te u Petom Kupeu.


Događaj je nastao u suradnji s multimedijskom platformo INSITE.


Deaf Padel Zagreb proudly announce the first Deaf rave party in Croatia by a famous Deaf DJ from UK, founder of Deaf Rave, Troi ‘DJ Chinaman’ Lee, Deaf DJ from Slovakia DJ Dragon, and hearing DJ from Croatia, Lovro Baletic.

Troi Lee is a London based Deaf DJ, performer, festival curator and event organiser, putting on raves and producing online streamed showcases in signsongs, dance, comedy, VV (Visual Vernacular) and other visual performances made by and for Deaf communities worldwide.  Troi "DJ Chinaman" Lee began with a vision to give Deaf, Hearing and Disabled Artists and performers a platform to display their love for music. Deaf Rave provides entertainment with music and visual performances to an all-inclusive audience, globally and across the UK. Their aim is to unite everyone through their love and passion for music, promoting the unique Deaf/ Disabled identity and teaching everyone about Deaf Culture. But most of all, they want to bring music to the masses! A Deaf Rave means that D/deaf people can feel the sound: in their feet, in their bodies, in their ears. They can experience the beat through the waves of vibrations released by the music. Deaf Rave can be enjoyed by Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and hearing people together.

Peter Hoang aka Dragon Hoang was born in Snina, Slovakia. He is deaf. When he was 20, he started to learn playing music as DJ in many little Clubs in Slovakia. He started his career in 2005 during his teenage years and knew from the very start that music is something that will stay with him his whole life. On deaf DJ, which he said "having heard mixes as a DJ, but play with love and taste." He has, by rights, become a well respected figure on the domestic electronic music scene with performances at top events in the Slovakia. He likes all styles of electronic music, like Tech-House, Techno, Tribal Techno, Hardgroove, Hardtechno and Schranz. He is Considered one of the biggest male deaf names of the world's techno and hardgroove scene. This Slovakian DJ has had performances in many of the biggest techno clubs in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Austria, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Hungary and more. He started music production in 2012. A year later he released his music under artist name Dragon Hoang on own label Techno Deaf Records. He released his first reference and today has over 300 tracks on the market. Some labels he released in Aktivists, Play Techno, Climax Label, New Robot , LW, Heart Tech, Psychodelik, Volcanic, Intuition PT, Rattle and many others.

Lovro Baletic is a DJ/an electronic music producer based in Zagreb, Croatia. He has been playing drums since he was 12, and in his teenage years he played in various bands. After high school, he moved abroad to study audio production at the SAE Institute in Amsterdam. Then he discovered his love for electronic music and started experimenting and producing songs in various subgenres. In 2019, he released his first experimental EP called "Urban Wilderness", followed a year later by a nu-disco/electronic EP called "Manimals". His repertoire mainly focuses on Dancefloor Funk and House music. Lovro is part of the CYCLE collective together with Jan Kinčl and Matija Duić, and has played in numerous halls and clubs such as Aquarius, Regular Bar, club Dva Osam, Pločnik and in Peti Kupe.

The event is created in collaboration with INSITE , the platform promoting local creative an electronic music scene.

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